Within the Legal Services industry, and specifically, those who hold a position of a Notary Public, the Videosign digital tools enable appointed Notaries to meet with clients to discuss and process legal documentation and witness signatures remotely in a safe and secure platform*

There are many benefits and features within Videosign for those working in the legal industry including:

  • Meet with clients face-to-face remotely – the Videosign platform incorporates a secure online meeting space, thereby speeding up the process and enabling meetings to be taken place irrelevant of distance and accessibility to review, sign, and witness documents compliantly
  • Verify Identities – with Videosign you can perform and complete identity and verification checks within seconds of meeting clients, using enhanced facial recognition and biometrics, in accordance with The Legal Sector Affinity Group (LSAG) guidance and meet them in a face-to-face secured online meeting space
  • Validate digital signatures with embedded certificates, recordings, and audits – meetings are automatically recorded and can be classed as evidential and used in courts. Robust evidence of compliance can be provided by tracking how a signature is captured, how it can be proven that the signature was placed, what advice was given and how the signature event is witnessed
  • Finalise documents – by meeting clients face-to-face with Videosign you have the tools required to offer a purely digital experience of remote signing and witnessing of documentation.

Examples of Videosign usage:

  • Authentication – A Notary Public is required to support individuals and businesses with legal services to prepare, attest, and authenticate documentation intended for international use. The combined Videosign features provide the tools to handle these requirements and offer compliance and evidential proof.
  • Deeds – There are different types of deeds, all of which have their own nuances with regards to how they are prepared, signed, witnessed, and ratified. Across all industries, it is now clear that the digital and remote execution of deeds is necessary to provide the most efficient, safe, and secure mechanisms for agreeing on them. Videosign offers the tools for professionals to transact deeds remotely and securely.
  • Residential Conveyancing and Real Estate – The ‘exchanging of contracts’ requires a lot of legal administrative work as paperwork is moved between different groups of people. The process can be made safer and more efficient whilst maintaining compliance using Videosign. Verify your clients’ identities (in accordance with LSAG guidance) and meet them in a face-to-face secured online meeting space to review, sign, and witness documents compliantly.

For more information or to arrange a demo of Videosign, contact us or email enquiries@videosign.co

*Videosign are aware of current restrictions within certain areas of the legal system around the witnessing of wet signatures and we have been actively involved in discussions in campaigns supporting updates in the laws around deeds and wills.

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